Voices of the MENA – Christine
There is something so beautiful and infectious about the faith of a young person. No wonder Jesus said we must become like children to enter the Kingdom of God!
Christine is a teenage SAT-7 KIDS viewer from Egypt whose faith is central to her, and her family’s, daily life. But things at home have been extremely difficult at times for young Christine.
She has opened up to our Viewer Support team several times over the last few years, sharing some of her most challenging experiences. Christine’s family has experienced several losses, and recurring financial troubles, but nothing compares to one particular source of pain: her father’s habit of violence.
Christine explained: “My father is irritable and violent. He beats my mother. He would [even] beat me and my sister when we were ill.”
She asked our team for prayer; that she would have peace, and that God would intervene in her father’s life. SAT-7 happily obliged, praying for Christine and her father, and staying connected with her for more than two years. At one point, our producers even sent Christine a gift in the post to say thank you for being such a loyal viewer and to encourage her in her faith!
Christine has often been joined by her mother and sister when watching SAT-7, and together they have joyfully engaged with our programs and continually invited God into their circumstances. As they have persisted in faith, they have noticed God’s presence in an increasingly real way.
Christine shared: “The Lord speaks to me through your programs. Our family is blessed by the worship songs. My mother was also encouraged by [one song in particular] because she was going through some difficult times, but the Lord sent her a message through that song.”
It seemed that Christine’s father was not interested in what she, her sister, and her mother were learning about Jesus through SAT-7. One thing Christine said summed up her father’s attitude: “He used to be annoyed by [the song before] La Fiesta, because it sang a quiet song from the Psalms.”
You can imagine how disheartening it must have been for young Christine. Growing in her relationship with God, enjoying singing songs of praise to God, and wanting to see things change in her family, only for her abusive father to disapprove of her behaviour and continue in his violent ways.
Maybe you can relate. Is there a person in your life who disapproves of the way you express your faith? Have you experienced physical violence or verbal aggression from someone close to you?
Let Christine’s story encourage you, because our God is in the business of softening hard hearts and changing lives.
One day, an exciting message came through from Christine. “I want to thank you for your prayers,” she said. “My Dad was happy when the High Speed program came on [recently] and was happy today with the La Fiesta program, too! He was [even] happy when he saw a worship song [on SAT-7]. I can't believe that God is working like this.”
Christine and her family – including her father – are even starting to grow in God together. “Now he has also started reading the Bible every morning, and we pray together every night before we go to sleep.”
Christine’s faith is giving her motivation to face the future, too. “Sometimes I fear the wars from the evil one, but my Mom taught me to pray continuously and to seek refuge in God's embrace. However, I can't help but feel fear, and this pushes me to pray even more.”
Christine's story shows us that if we prioritise continuous prayer, worship God every day, and read the word diligently, we can trust God to reveal Himself and bring about the change we need in our lives.
Now, let’s spend some time in prayer. Let’s pray for Christine, thanking God for her persistence and maturity as she pursues Him, all the while encouraging her family to do the same.
Let us pray for Christine’s family, that they will continue to learn about God through SAT-7’s programs. Let’s pray for God’s peace, joy and love to descend on that family, and let us pray for an end to violence in that home.
Finally, let’s thank God that He knows our pain and sees us in our struggles. Thank God that He never leaves us alone, but instead seeks to gently transform us – and our circumstances – by His spirit.