Learn how SAT-7 is responding to recent earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria


Hosted by Martin Thomas, Senior Director, SAT-7 UK


Türkiye Earthquake Response

Watch an "in conversation" interview with Melih Ekener and Annamaria Cedolin from SAT-7 Türk. Hosted by Martin Thomas, Senior Director, SAT-7 UK

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Another story being told...

Conflict. Poverty. Persecution. That’s the story of the Middle East we’ve become accustomed to. 

But there is another story being told. A story of faith strengthened, love shown and joy brought – not just to the few, but to millions across the region. 

Our teams are on the ground, creating powerful, faith-filled television and digital media programmes that bring life-changing moments of joy.   

SAT-7 broadcasts 24/7 in Arabic, Persian and Turkish


SAT-7 had over 107,000
one-to-one viewer conversations in 2022

SAT-7 is watched by millions of people in 25 countries across the Middle East and North Africa

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